Digital Citizenship EDU 918 Digital Citizenship in the Classroom

Eduspire’s courses are offered by Wilson College as individual 3-credit graduate-level courses, and most courses can also be taken as part of the Master of Educational Technology (MET) degree program.

Explore the nine elements of Digital Citizenship (effective and responsible use of the internet and digital devices) and incorporate the ISTE standards within K-12 classrooms. Using various digital creation sites, podcasts, and research, participants will create various usable tools to enhance their specific content area, enabling learners to feel comfortable in the integration of digital citizenship within their classroom.

This course provides a basis for technology integration at any level, helping students understand the importance of digital citizenship in their lives. Course takers will explore the nine elements of digital citizenship, as explained by Mike Ribble, discussing one to two elements each week. Opportunities will be provided to create lesson plans and activities within district initiatives, focusing on integrating these core digital principles into class content or staff development.

*Participants in this course will have several mandatory, synchronous, video conference sessions. Information regarding these can be found on each course registration page.

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Online Sep 16, 2024 9:12 AM Sep 05, 2024 9:12 AM Fall
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