
See what Pennsylvania educators are saying about how Eduspire's courses for teachers helped them integrate practical, contemporary technology into their K-12 classrooms. Take a look at some of the examples of how our courses have helped educators like you, or see more specific examples by completing the filter below!

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I had my eyes opened to the role of social media in education and found awesome resources for teaching.

— J. S., Chromebooks

This course provided me with a wealth of information and so many things that I can take back with me to my classroom. I have so many exciting ideas that I can't wait to implement in my classroom.

— C. B., Chromebooks

This course was excellent! Robin Seneta was wonderful and I learned so many things I want to try in my classroom.

— T. H., Chromebooks

This was a great chromebook class. I learned how to use so many programs. I like the fact that the chromebook opens in 8 seconds and saves everything. I also like how it is constantly updating. It made me want to flip my classroom tomorrow. I liked Edpuzzle, Kahoot it , Padlet, Google classroom, ClassDojo, and so much more. I like the fact that it had a chromebook store also. The shortcuts were great to use.

— C. H., Chromebooks

Wow! I loved this course. I have already started using many of the programs in my classroom.

— T. S., Chromebooks

Extremely beneficial!! I learned how to use the chromebook, google sites, and tools to use for my classroom. Loved it!

— C. C., Chromebooks

There were some really great tools provided in this class, not just for the Chromebook, but for 21st century learning in general, which is great!

— K. B., Chromebooks

The course provided a lot of information about Google and Chromebooks. It was very worthwhile. I loved the ideas and sites that were given to us.

— L. M., Chromebooks

I was hesitant at first as to how Chromebooks would apply to my kindergarten class. I am walking away with great ideas to try.

— T. F., Chromebooks

Loved sandbox time, learning about the apps AND having time to explore them is very helpful.

— V. K., Chromebooks

I was very grateful for the many opportunities to be both introduced to what is possible/available and to experiment with the many options/features that are out there, all while the instructor made himself available for personalized attention.

— J. K., Chromebooks

I really enjoyed this course. It has really changed the way that I thought about how to incorporate technology into the classroom

— B. S., Chromebooks

I felt this was one of the most useful classes I have taken so far. I learned about a lot of tools I will actually use in my class.

— B. G., Chromebooks

I learned more information in this class than I have in ten years worth of teacher inservices!

— M. G., Chromebooks

This was an awesome course! I learned a lot of valuable information and had time to work on projects for my classroom.

— H. H., Chromebooks
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