Author Archives: eduspire

Eduspire is a leader in continuing education with an emphasis on technology integration and innovation.

Classroom Management 101

Edupsire instructor/academic advisor and creator of the course, EDU 973: Classroom Management in a Technology Equipped Classroom, Mrs. Kelsey Richards M.Ed., listed a few tips to help enhance your classroom management to create a smooth learning experience for you and your students. As teachers…

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8 Tips for Online Student Engagement

student engagement online learning

Eduspire instructor and Leading Tomorrow Founder, Dr. Jolene Erlacher, hosted a webinar recently called “Student Engagement in Online Learning,” and was kind enough to write up these eight tips to summarize, which we’ve shared below. Please visit our Distance Learning Resources page for…

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Immersive Classroom Experiences through Virtual and Augmented Reality Technology

Maybe once a vague concept, the EdTech world has been buzzing with VR and AR in recent years. With the release of Google’s Expeditions app, educators are able to see firsthand how the platform of VR (and using it to immerse students in…

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Instructional Technology Leadership: An Upcoming Course

Instructional Coaching K-12 Classroom

About Instructional Technology Coaching “Instructional coaches partner with teachers to help them improve teaching and learning so students are more successful,” explains Jim Knight in his blog post “What Do Instructional Coaches Do?” To elaborate, leading educators to create technology-enhanced blended learning environments is…

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Humanizing Online Learning

Humanizing Online Learning

Have We Lost the Human Element of Education? It seems that everything is online these days: we can shop online, schedule appointments online, and we can even learn online. Lately, online learning has gained popularity. From K-12 charter and cyber schools to actual…

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Making Learning More Inclusive with Microsoft


This back-to-school season, there are more resources than ever for differentiating learning and more tools to facilitate doing so. If you’re a Microsoft educator, many of the tools in your classroom tech toolkit have been updated just in time for the start of…

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